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Why i Cant touch Anything?? Or just Gonna watch Them Fucking each Other

What do you mean?

Are you on mobile? The game doesn't work on mobile.

Im using PC 

Then I'm not really sure what you mean. You can use the controls in the top right (or the right mouse button) to change your action. The man is for walking, the hand is for interacting, the eye is for looking at things, and the bag is to open your inventory.


haha, a funny game.But why can't I watch them make love!

It took me some time to find the *** to ***** the ***** :P
There are still some bugs, but nothing gamebreaking. Good job!


What are the bugs you've found?

I dont know how to reproduce it. Try using the hand on the teddy. while walking switch to the eye-action. sometimes both actions happen at once after he arrives and i cannot switch to another action. It works after clicking somewhere else.. Or maybe i'm too dumb to click properly. would not exclude this option xD

There are some instances in the game where there is a kind of "cinematic" that lasts a few seconds. During these, it is not possible to do anything, including changing your cursor, so maybe it was just one of these that was playing? I was considering changing the cursor to an hourglass to indicate that you are currently unable to take any actions, but ended up not bothering. And perhaps I should make the "cinematics" slightly more flashy. I'm guessing they can be hard to notice unless you actually know where to look. 😅

Maybe removing mouse and menu completly while having your cutscenes?

The hourglass is also an good option, but is maybe a bit outdated. But definitly a good option for some retro-feel.